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Spengler Cup

The National League team wins the final game against the Straubing Tigers 7-2

Maurice Parée

The winner of the 96th edition of the Spengler Cup is once again from Switzerland. HC Fribourg-Gottéron already laid the basis for their victory in the first period, as goals by Jacob de la Rose, Jakob Lilja, Nathan Marchon, and Christoph Bertschy ensured that the Dragons went into the first break with a 4-1 lead.

In the second period they built onto that foundation by adding three more goals (T.J. Brennan, Linden Vey, Andreas Borgman) to the tally, making it 7-2 after two periods.

Straubing was not able to come back from this deficit and thus had to admit defeat after 60 minutes. HC Fribourg-Gottéron wins their first Spengler Cup title and thus their first ever title in club history. As the winner, they will also receive an invitation to return to Davos next year to defend their title.

( 31 December 2024 | mso )

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