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Swiss League

As Chris McSorley tells "Le Nouvelliste", they are not done with the roster yet.

Monika Majer / RvS.Media

HC Sierre already has a big roster with around 30 players but they have the intention to add even more players. "Our strategy is to work with HCV Martigny and loan them players. The idea is to give young players ice time so that they can develop and get a taste of the Swiss League" states McSorley.

HC Sierre plans on loaning five to seven players - who can change from week to week - to HCV Martigny in the MyHockey League, whose coach is former HC Sierre's Dany Gelinas. "This collaboration between the two clubs is a win-win situation. No other Swiss League team has such a platform" continues the Canadian.

( 28 August 2024 | lle*)

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